Dyllón Burnside is a part of the cultural phenomenon that is FX's Pose!
When Dyllón initially auditioned for the project, he simply saw it as another job opportunity. He did not think about the possible impact the show could have and what it might amount to. After reading a mock script, he surprisingly wasn't very interested in the project, until his agent convinced him otherwise.
“I don’t know if this character seems right for me. My agent was like 'This is a Ryan Murphy series regular, just put yourself on tape,'" Dyllón says.
At first, Dyllón auditioned for the role of Damon, but show-runners Ryan Murphy and Steven Canals fell in love with him so much that they created a role for him.
“Damon needs to have a boyfriend, he should play him."
Now if you haven't watched the show, you are missing the celebration of the ballroom scene: voguing, reading others to filth, and extravagant costumes. Dyllón may have been a part of a boy group when he was younger that involved lots of choreography, but none of that prepared him for the art of voguing.
“Absolutely zero. I had no experience in ballroom, no experience voguing, none, and I was very intimidated by that."
Luckily for him, he had plenty of time to learn.
“Lots of long rehearsals, we started rehearsing about a month in advance of filming in episode 5.”
Throughout the show, we have seen the ups and downs of the relationship between Ricky and Damon, and with season 2 coming to a close, what's going to happen to them?
“Ricky and Damon have developed a friendly relationship. It’s really cool to see these characters put their relationship struggles behind them and still develop a friendship that can hopefully blossom into something beautiful."
What's more beautiful are the messages the show has brought to life that don't often get spotlighted.
“It’s important to have art, and things in the media that are in direct opposition to that, that are saying we’re here, we’re queer, we’re black, we’re brown, and we’re not going anywhere.”
Season 2 may be coming to a close, but there are still a few episodes left! The show has been renewed for a third season so make you sure binge those episodes before the next season airs!