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A Senior Citizen 'Bachelor' Spin-Off is in the Works!

A Senior Citizen 'Bachelor' Spin-Off is in the Works!
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Chris Harrison

The steamy dating show is taking on a whole new demographic!

A franchise famous for various spin-offs, Bachelor Nation is looking ahead to its newest prospect - a Bachelor for senior citizens!

If you're a big The Bachelor or The Bachelorettefan, you might be familiar with their casting call commericials, in which they urge young hopefuls to audition for the beloved show. But before the pandemic hit, a new casting call aired - this time calling for senior citizens.

This commercial sparked various rumors surrounding a Bachelor spin-off catered to an older crowd, but when the spread of COVID-19 halted all Bachelor-related production, no news came about the prospect.

Recently, Variety learned that the idea is still being explored and plans to be released! Rob Mills, ABC's top unscripted executive spoke with Variety about the submissions they received from the casting call:

"Some of the casting interviews we got, they were just so touching. It's such a different way of doing 'The Bachelor' because these people are just at a totally different place in their lives. There is an interesting thing about people who have hit the other end of the spectrum, who've lived their lives, they've raised their kids, some have been widowed or divorced and maybe some have never been in love. We thought that would be an interesting dynamic through the 'Bachelor' prism."

Mills continued on to discuss some of the changes that Bachelor fans can expect from this new journey, including hometowns involving meeting children, rather than meeting parents. Other questions have definitely risen such as-- will fantasy suites still exist? Will all of the contestants still live together? Will producers provide babysitting services?

In the beginning of the year, the show had hoped to air in fall 2020. This has since been pushed back with no official news of a premiere date. ABC has turned its focus to resuming production for Clare Crawley'sBachelorette season and Matt James' Bachelor season. Remember when having a 39-year-old Bachelorette was groundbreaking?

Bachelor Nation has recently seen several changes to the franchise, addressing representation and diversity issues among fans. With news of a senior citizen spin-off, an entirely new demographic might be joining the millions of 20-somethings already onboard.

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