Would he collaborate with Ari, Demi, or Justin?!
Scooter Braun works with plenty of A-List stars, such Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Dan + Shay, Demi Lovato and more.
Gunnar Gehl is the latest star to join the superstar squad, with a slew of music now coming down the pipeline.
"I have people who have done this with the people that I have grown up listening to and look up to. You know, I have someone who's there for thei process backing me up and saying,
'I'm here to help you succeed as big as you want to be or whatever you want to do. I'm here to help you succeed,'" Gehl said.
Gunnar Drops "Dance Alone" 🎧
With a solid support system, Gehl is putting all of his energy into new music, including his newly released, "Dance Alone,"
"'Dance Alone' is a special record for sure. It takes a really cool standpoint on an emotion that I hear in other music, just the opposite side. I don't want to see you dancing with somebody else. The only way that I'm going to be happy is if you come back to me. I'm excited for a lot of the stuff that's coming out."
Dance Alone is available now!
Moving The Dial To Country 🎸
Country singer Eric Ethridge also recently released a new single, "Sad Songs" which he describes saying,
"This song to me is really about going through a rough time and pulling through and creating a better situation for yourself. I think most people can resonate with that throughout the last year and a half or so."
"Sad Songs" is also available on all platforms. To view more of our exclusive interview with Eric, click here.
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