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Robin Williams' Life And Struggles Highlighted In Upcoming Documentary (video)

Robin Williams' Life And Struggles Highlighted In Upcoming Documentary (video)
Robin Williams

A new doocumentary is shedding on Rob Williams' legacy and his

From the Genie in Aladdin to Mrs. Doutbfire, fans always adored Robin Williams for his sharp wit and warm persona. Now, six years after his tragic death, the documentary Robin's Wish lets viewers in on the neurodegenerative disorder he suffered from.

The film will be directed by Tylor Norwood, with interviews from Williams' wife Susan Schneider Williams, Shaun Levy and David E. Kelley. Williams suffered from Lewy Body Dementia, a brain disease which impairs motor control and the film sheds light on the science of the disease and promotes advocacy. According to Entertainment Weekly, his wife shared a statement on the documentary, saying:

"Robin wanted to help all of us be less afraid. That was Robin's wish, we had been discussing what we wanted our legacies to be in life; when it was our time to go, how we wanted to have made people feel.

Fans can watch Robin's Wish on VOD starting September 1st.

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