As celebrities are seen protesting nationwide and posting petitions and fundraisers on social media, country singer Kane Brown released a new single titled "Worldwide Beautiful" at midnight on Thursday to encourage equality.
On his Instagram, the star explains that the song was already written, but felt that this was a good time to release it to the public. The song was also co-written by Shy Carter, Ryan Hurd and Jordan Schmidt. The lyrics emphasize how everyone should come together at this time:
"Reach out your hands if you're with me/Still got some work but we still got a dream/Every shade, every heart come together and sing"
Donating the Proceeds
Check out @kanebrown's new song, “Worldwide Beautiful,” highlighting the importance of unity regardless of skin color. All proceeds will support our mission, including advocating for equality for the millions of kids that are counting on us. LISTEN:
— Boys & Girls Clubs (@BGCA_Clubs) June 4, 2020
Not only do the lyrics have a meaningful message, but Brown also decided to donate the proceeds of his song to support Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The organization strives for equality and building up the youth and says:
"We stand against racism and discrimination. We will leverage our national platform, Agenda for America's Youth, to effect change and elevate youth voices. We will continue building positive, supportive, inclusive environments that are trauma-informed, where young people of all races and backgrounds are encouraged to have difficult conversations and use their voices."
You can donate here.
Brown on growing up biracial
In the past, Brown has talked about being biracial while growing up and entering the music industry. He tells Billboard that he did not know that he was biracial until the age of 7. His mother is European-American and his father is African-American. He also says that he got some disrespectful comments when first entering the country music industry. He tells Billboard:
"There still racism in the world.' But I didn't get into country music just to prove a point. I try to stay away from all negativity."