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All You Need To Know About Cardi B's Conversation with Joe Biden

Cardi B Talks Police Brutality, COVID-19, and the 2020 Election with Joe Biden | ELLE

Cardi B interviewed presidential candidate Joe Biden about college prices, COVID-19, and police brutality in America. Find out all you need to know about it below!

Cardi B sat down with presidential candidate Joe Biden, via Zoom, for the latest issue of Elle Magazine. Here's what happened in the interview:

At the start of the conversation, Cardi opened up with expressing her thoughts on President Trump, as well as what she expects and needs from a new president. She shared:

"I have a whole list of things that I want our next president to do for us. But first, I just want Trump out. His mouth gets us in trouble so much. I don't want to be lied to — we're dealing with a pandemic right now, and I just want answers. I want to know when this will be over. I want to go back to my job. But I don't want someone to lie to me and tell me that it's fine not to wear a mask, that everything is going to be okay. I want a president to tell me what the steps are for us to get better, to tell me, This is why it is taking so long, this is why other countries are doing better than ours. Tell me the truth, the hard-core truth."

As for college and healthcare, Cardi emphasized her support for free Medicare, as we all as free college education. Biden added:

"If I get elected president, anybody with a family that makes less than $125,000, you're going to get free education. And everybody gets free community college."

Cardi B also made sure to speak about her concerns regarding social justice. She told Biden about the ongoing fear that continues to happen in America due to police brutality and unfair treatment of black people. Cardi said:

"I feel like Black people, we're not asking for sympathy, we're not asking for charity -- we are just asking for equality. We are asking for fairness, and we are asking for justice. That is all. I feel like everything people are asking for is getting interpreted in a very different way. No, it's simple: We just want justice. We want to feel like Americans. It makes people feel uncomfortable around different people. Nobody wants to feel targeted. Nobody wants animosity. Everybody just wants the best for themselves, their future, their kids' future. I don't want to have to tell my kid, 'You have to be careful going to the store. Don't wear a hoodie. Please don't get stopped.' We don't want that."

Biden assured Cardi B that all her concerns can and will be taken care of. However, there is one important thing that must happen. Biden spoke on how the younger generation needs to go out and vote in order for any change to occur. He shared:

"In 2016, if 18 to 24-year-olds had voted in the same percentage as the rest of the population, there would have been 5.2 million more votes. We wouldn't have Trump; we would have had Hillary Clinton. The vote matters.That's why you keep talking to people about the need to vote. Your generation can own what happens in the next election. They can change things dramatically if they show up and vote. You're the smartest, the best educated, the least prejudiced, and the most engaged generation in history. And you're going to change things. I really mean it! I'm not trying to be nice."

Biden concluded the conversation with an extremely important statement. He told Cardi, along with the world watching:

"I'll make mistakes as president, but I'll admit to the mistakes I make, and you're never going to have to wonder whether I'll keep my word... I've never broken my word. Never in my life."

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