Firestarter tells the story of a father whose daughter develops pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire with her mind. The two must then go on the run from a government agency that wants to control the power and use it for their means.
Firestarter will be rated R, prohibiting children under 17 admittance without an adult. This is typical of most previous King film adaptations, including the recent It, Pet Semetary, and Doctor Sleep.
This is the fourth Universal theatrical release to go day-and-date on Peacock after TheBoss Baby: Family Business, Blumhouse/Miramax's Halloween Kills, and this weekend's romantic comedy Marry Me starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson.
It's technically five NBC Universal movies going theatrical day-and-date on Peacock this year if you count the upcoming release of Focus Features' Sundance acquisition Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul, which has yet to set a date.
King remains the unchallenged ruler of horror through the written word. He consistently terrified audiences with his novels since the 1970s with his visceral details and character-focused narratives, covering genres from thriller to sci-fi to high fantasy.
This immense body of work has given way to some of the scariest movie adaptations of all time, with more recent examples including Gerald's Game, 1922, and the films mentioned above.