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Congresswoman Barbara Lee Speaks Her Truth In New Documentary

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Rep. Barbara Lee is inspiring others with her powerful story.

The film Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power highlights Lee's remarkable political career and personal life through her own words.

"It's about helping others not have to go through what you have been through, based on systemic racism and gender inequality," Rep. Barbara Lee said.

Abby Ginzberg directed the film and shared her passion to tell Barbara's story.

"Barbara is a fighter for racial, economic and social equity. She has been calling it out from the day she landed in Congress and before that in the California legislature," Ginzberg said.

In addition to Representative Lee, many of her friends and colleagues contributed their voices to the film.

"It's important for Danny Glover or Ayanna Pressley or an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or an Alice Walker to really use their light to help others, and they all are doing just that," Rep. Lee said.

Those famous faces aside, she even has a special connection and relationship with Vice President Kamala Harris, as they're both from Oakland, California.

"I'm her member of Congress, and she's my Vice President, and I always say, "East Bay is in the house as in the White House."

Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power is now available in theaters and on demand.

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